· Women will become members of the Lodge automatically on May 1, 2021 if their dues are current on April 30th.
· Women have the option of joining the Lodge without having to join the Chapter.
· All members will need to be Lodge members to enter the Moose home, frequent the social quarters, attend events, etc.
· The Private Policy will remain in effect. An ‘expired’ member (male or female) may not enter the Moose home (even with spouse) except to pay his/her dues for 12 months and 1 day after his/her dues expired.
· A prospective member shall be limited to two (2) visits. He/she must make application on or before the 3rd visit.
· New Lodge officers – ‘President’ (formerly Governor), ‘Vice President’ (formerly Jr Governor), ‘Chaplain’ (formerly Prelate), and ‘Past Lodge President’ (formerly Past Governor). Post May 1, 2021, any member, male or female, may be considered for office provided he/she meets the requirements in Sec. 33.5 of the amended General Laws. He/she must hold current membership in either the Moose Legion (male) or the newly structured Women of the Moose (female), or join within 60 days.
· Women may be elected to the Board of Officers beginning May 1, 2022. However, qualified women may be eligible or appointed to open positions on the Board or to committees beginning May 1, 2021, pursuant to section 33.5 of the amended General Laws.
· All previous honors will transition seamlessly to the new integrated Moose.
· The amended General Laws eliminates the House Committee. Those duties will now be performed by the Lodge’s Board of Officers in an Executive Session.
· An Executive Session has been added to Board of Officers’ meetings to discuss confidential topics including issues previously handled by the House Committee. (i.e. personnel, legal, disciplinary)
· All current Loyal Order of Moose members holding a Life Membership on or before April 30, 2021 will continue as a Life Member in the same Lodge.