· Women have the option of joining the Chapter. Current Chapter members will remain a member of the chapter provided her dues are paid. Chapter members will have the opportunity to attend Chapter meetings, hold Chapter leadership positions and continue to promote our mission of helping those in need.
· With her paid Lodge dues, her chapter dues will be extended for 1 year, for a maximum of 3 years (if her Chapter dues are current on April 30, 2021). If she paid ahead in the Chapter, she will not lose those years - the free dues will be tacked on to her current expiration date. (Note: There is no advantage to paying Chapter dues ahead since Chapter dues will only be $15 annually…see Women of the Moose Dues article for exception.)
· WOTM Chapter annual dues payments only apply to WOTM Chapter membership. Lodge dues will be billed at the first normal renewal month following May 1, 2021. Annapolis Lodge annual dues are $60.For example, if her renewal date is in May - December, she must pay her One Moose Lodge dues that same MONTH in 2021. If her renewal month is January - April, she must pay One Moose Lodge dues that same MONTH in 2022.
· All WOTM Chapter members holding a Life Membership before the transition will continue to be a Life Member of the Chapter AND be granted Life Membership in the new One Moose Lodge. She will not have to pay annual dues to either unit.
· All new Chapter membership applications must be enrolled on or before April 28, 2021 or they will not be able to join the Chapter until after they have applied for and been enrolled as a lodge member on or after May 1, 2021.
· Women who have higher degrees or desire to earn higher degrees will need to be current members of the Chapter for their honors to be recognized. The same holds true for Moose Legion members. Members who desire to be a One Moose Lodge officer must also belong to the Chapter (female) or Moose Legion (male) or join within 60 days of taking office.
· New Chapter officers: Senior Regent, Treasurer (renamed from Recorder), Secretary (renamed from Secretary/Treasurer), Junior Past Regent (renamed from Junior Graduate Regent). The position of Junior Regent will be eliminated but her responsibilities will be absorbed by the other officers.
· New Chapter Committees: Membership, Fraternal Activities, Mooseheart/Moosehaven, Higher Degrees.
· Honors are NOT being eliminated. Honors will be recognized provided the Higher Degree member has an active Chapter membership. Women may earn higher degrees by meeting the requirements set forth in the new WOTM General Laws.
· Chapters will maintain a charitable focus.
· Chapter dues will be $15 annually upon inception of One Moose.
· Chapters will retain their current assets, without turning monies over to the Lodge.