Q: When do I pay my dues?
A: Members will receive a dues renewal notice by mail just as they normally do. A current chapter member with an expiration date January through April 30, 20XX will need to pay her One Moose Lodge dues in the same MONTH of her expiration date in 2022. If her expiration date is May through Dec. 31, 20XX her One Moose Lodge dues will be payable in the same MONTH of her expiration date in 2021.
With on-time payment of One Moose Lodge dues, her chapter dues will be extended for 1 year, for a maximum of 3 years. If she is paid ahead in the chapter, she will not lose those years; the free year of Chapter dues will be tacked on to her current Chapter expiration date. Note: paying multiple years ahead is not recommended as chapter dues will be reduced to $15 on May 1, 2021.
Also remember, chapter dues must be current (active status) beyond April 30, 2021 to transition smoothly to One Moose and to qualify for the free years chapter dues.
Q: What if I am a life member of the chapter?
A: You will also become a life member of the affiliated Lodge on May 1, 2021. You don’t need to worry about paying dues to either the Chapter or the Lodge in the future.
Q: Can I be a member of the Chapter but not the Lodge?
A: No. All members must belong to a Lodge. The One Moose concept encompasses all members of The Moose. We are coming together in a stronger, unified unit with equal rights and privileges of membership.
Q: Can I bring my spouse to the Moose if he/she is not a member of One Moose?
A: The Private Policy will remain in effect. The Private Policy can be found in the LOOM General Laws and at the rear of the WOTM Officers' Handbook.
Q: When will the new General Laws be available?
A: Revised Women of the Moose General Laws will be posted online on or before March 15, 2021. All chapters will receive printed copies with the Annual Handbook Mailing in May. The Moose General Laws will be available online on February 15, 2021. Copies will be available for purchase through Catalog Sales beginning in May, as well as at the International Convention in Cincinnati.
Q: I have specific questions about the One Moose concept. Who do I contact?
A: Please email onemoose@mooseintl.org. A member of the One Moose Implementation Committee will respond.